State of the Barber Industry: Live Event Trends
This article originally appeared in my newsletter, theGuideline. Sign up and get trending barber content sent right to your inbox every Monday.
2 weeks until Jan 1, 2024. Time flies. Over the last 7 weeks, we have run a special mini-series to close out 2023. Each week, we feature a theme related to the current State of the Barber Industry.
The themes are based on content we have shared throughout the year.
01: Clash of the Chargers
02: The 6 Figure Barber
03: The Rise of Hair Consultations
04: Influencer Marketing Trends
05: Using the Whole License
06: Sanitation Innovation
07: Guard Chasing
08: Live Event Trends
We have entered a new era of live barber events. Expos are no longer the only type of events. If you've been paying attention to these newsletters, every week we feature a section called 'On the Radar'. We mention upcoming events taking place across the industry.
Barber Expos and Hair Jams were amongst the most popular event types featured. Let's talk about it.
Barber Expos
Typically hosted in large venues, Barber Expos are large events featuring live education classes, vendors, battles for prizes and pre/post after parties. These expos can draw thousands of people onto the floor.
Tickets can range in price depending on if you want to attend VIP education or an after party. If you are planning to attend an expo, be sure to read up on these tips.
Hair Jams / Look & Learns
On the other end of the spectrum, Hair Jams aka Look & Learns have emerged as smaller, more intimate events. Typically hosted in a local barbershop, barbers from various shops will set up and showcase. The smaller setting can provide a more networking friendly environment than expos. Sometimes there may be a featured educator to teach a class, sometimes not.
So, why does this matter?
Collaborative education is trending. We have witnessed many barbers form partnerships and collaborations in the name of education. Barbers from different shops teaming up to host a local event.
I love this. Often times these hair jams and look & learns operate independent from big brands. It is a genuine space where barbers want to learn from one another without big brand agendas.
But, there is money to be made here. If these event organizers are smart, I wouldn't be a surprised if we start to see big brands start to sponsor these events. With the event space already paid for (the shop), these events can run on a low budget while capitalizing on brand partnership revenue.
You heard it here first. 2024 will be the year the industry pivots away from expos and towards hair jams. More to come on this topic in 2024.